A new multi-billion dollar market opportunity arises and currently trending. It will provide the access to the WeathTech and Longevity for the richest population. It will change current medical procedures and treatment and prolong the living human age and reverse aging. it will definitely one of the biggest opportunities for investments for the future decades to come.
On the 1rst of October A group of wealthy investors is gathering virtually in Switzerland to stake their money on a new asset class.
“Longevity will become one of the largest investment opportunities in the coming decades. It will disrupt not only the healthcare system, but society and the economy in general,” says Marc Bernegger, a Swiss entrepreneur who is co-hosting the investor conference.
“Longevity is a topic that moves investors. Besides making a nice profit, they share an interest in staying healthy and living longer.”
The longevity industry not only defies ageing, but its ambitions can sometimes defy belief. One of the speakers at the event, Aubrey de Grey, created the SENS Research Foundation in California. Here they are exploring ways of repairing cells in our bodies.
De Grey insists that treatments such as this can rejuvenate people, transforming a 70-year-old into the biological equivalent of someone aged 40. There are people alive today who will reach the age of 200, he predicts.Investors will hear about technological and medicinal “cures” against ageing. This will include biomedical research into genetics and small molecules, gerontology, anti-ageing therapeutics and health products aimed at altering metabolism.
The conference will also tackle the thorny issue of what impact potential leaps in longevity will have on society: from demographics and the environment to genetic manipulation and the burden on social welfare funds.
“The impact of longevity will be huge and must be anticipated early on to prevent negative outcomes,” says Bernegger.
Source: swissinfo.ch / Matthew Allen
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